Omg this movie is quite nice called "Sky Of Love", a japanese love story. The ending is so touching can! When the male lead found out tad he has cancer he decided to leave his girlfriend
cos he did not want to b a burden to her. But she found out 2 yrs later about his illness n left her current bf cos she still loves the male lead veri much n wants to take care of him. In the end, he still died....
what we could have been, 6:53 PM.
Good friday is 2mro means it is holiday!!NO SCHOOL....Had choir trainings 2day quite scary lols hahs! Will b going to sinpei house 2mro to do our chinese project n mayb discuss abt the english class debate thingy!
what we could have been, 8:25 PM.
Woke up earlier than usual today to chiong finish my homework. Met up wib Jia Hui for lunch at Botak Jones and den she pei me go for a haircut...hahax thx u! Den went to sharon house wib her to do her homework but she went there to use sharon's house to play com. Abt an hour later qiu zhen aso came den all of us do together. Wanted to go sing KBOX but sharon's mum didn't allow cos we plan to sing until late night. Sianz... After finishing hw went home to eat dinner and here to blog again! will blog again when time permits lols!
what we could have been, 9:20 PM.
It was a tring day yesterday but in overall it was fun! Too mani things to say abt to trip so shall not write abt it! next wk there will b a A maths common test n physics test n haf to go to study areadi!
what we could have been, 1:28 PM.