Monday, December 24, 2007
Its such a tiring day 2day all thx 2 ZHANGMi....wake at 6.30 am in the morning bcos wanted 2 accomapany zm for the whole morning b4 she go c dentist!!She come all the way frm sengkang of cos must pei her.Met Jia Hui at her house bus stop at 7.30 am den walk 2 west mall de mac.Ate Fillet O Fish 4 breakfast den slack awhile in mac b4 proceeding 2 csc 2 play lan.We waited for abt an hour or 2 b4 the lan shop open n played for 3 hours.After tad zm went 2 look 4 her mother n i accomapany jh 2 gombak tere 2 buy clothes. After tad jiu bused home le n slept for 4 hours.
what we could have been, 10:03 PM.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Went 4 choir early in the morning 2day...had 2 wak up at 8am cos scared i will b late!!!WE had an audition again n i went up 2 sop 2 actually i was wishing 2 stay in alto 1....sianx. After choir practice went 2 haf lunch wib yijun n jiahui^^I bought Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao song tracks=) After eating lunch went 2 slack in west mall wib jh for like 2 hrs den went 2 bukit panjang plaza 2 haf our dinner.After tad took 176 n bus-ed 2 blk 258 n slack at the void deck tere...den jordan came 2 look 4 us. Lols they treat as if iie transparent sia...Aiyo keep "da qing ma qiao" dots!!Reached home at 10pm tired now....
what we could have been, 12:00 AM.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I got a new HP sony ericsson K630i!!! I am so happy..... Aiya nth 2 blog abt lahx!! Perharps next week choir practice den i will update bahs...
what we could have been, 11:09 PM.