Friday, November 30, 2007
All i know now is tad i am veri tired n sleepy!!! No energy 4 audition even... Came home at 9 plus after a whole day of walking!! At first went to outram park eat lunch wib jiahui, den we shopped around the whole of chinatown...erm may sound a bit funny tad we chose 2 go chinatown as we have no other place 2 go. After combing de whole of chinatown we walk 2 C Central at Clarke Quay to shopped,followed by walking 2 raffles city for sum snacks...I ate Mrs Fields brownies n jiahui ate old chang kee.My leg was areadi breaking down lerhx but still continue 2 walk until we reach city link n suntec city as jiahui wanted 2 find a Posb bank 2 withdraw money n go the This Fashion there. After tad went 2 take 97 2 jurong int n mrt-ed 2 bukit batok n jiahui bought a shorts at west mall n we ate dinner n bus-ed home.
ps. i nid 2 sleep!!!!
what we could have been, 11:18 PM.
Sunday, November 25, 2007

i had a good rest after the class chalet n the zoo!!! On friday 23/11 we had a class chalet at coasta sands(downtown east)..Reached tere at abt 1 plus i tink!!!when we reached tere we splitted up into grps for our lunch =) After eating went back 2 chalet n watch hei tang ma qi duo!! As the guys went for cycling, we (vivo clique) decided 2 go 2 the arcade n play...Guess wad i won a lilo toy hahax!!Thx 2 sharon n the auntie hu sponsored us xp.It was time for BBQ areadi n so we went 2 the pit^^ Had quite filling dinner for tad day!!During the BBQ, ms koh arrived wib ice cream like mochi, mini cornetto n so on....After the BBQ we watched scary movie 3 n a 1opm channel 5 show.Den went 2 arcade cc n come back again 2 have our bath^^...In the middle of the nite,qiu zhen started 2 haf gastric pain n so we went 2 cheers n bought cup noodles for her n the rest.I was realli so full after eating it...Den at ard 4am qiu zhen was so much in pain again so i n sharon went out 2 c if cheers sell any gastrics pills but cheers onli sell panadol!! So we went 2 c if watsons was open but it was not open so we turn back n decided 2 buy panadol...But nv did we expected tad it was close we juz went back n ask her 2 rest. I managed 2 get abt an hour or two of slp b4 getting ready 2 go 2 zoo wib zm, jh n lw.I met jh at 9.40 n bukit batok mrt n i was late by 10 n liwei was areadi waiting at woodlands!! Den zm's father decided 2 go marsiling 2 fetch us instead@.@ SO SRY 4 BEING LATE!At ard 5 min we reached the zoo!! n went 2 the toilet first but we dunno wher is the toilet so we ask a guy working in the zoo..he sho shuai!!! Den we proceed 2 c animals n watched the elephant show veri nice=)After tad zm came 2 my hse 2 play com as her father will b fetching her frm my house ^^.
what we could have been, 12:20 PM.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
back frm choir camp 2day!!! 3 days 2 nites so tiring sia...overall i feel tad this camp is quite fun =) n i enjoyed it. hiax but i could not get 2 slp well cos it was 2 cold n i was shivering plus de floor is 2 hard...The most fun activity was getting 2 try out different stations in west coast park 2gether wib the band members n we were split into 8 grps!! Out of 8 stations we managed 2 do 7. Den we had mac for lunch hahax ^^
what we could have been, 11:13 PM.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
woke up at 9.30am 2day 2 meet jia hui,jordan,li wei n stephanie at jurong mrt wanting 2 go 2 zm sch openhse n c her perform in band!!! Jordan was late lahx 4 abt 45min...he wanted 2 catch a taxi frm boonlay den waited 4 quite sum time den change his mind to take mrt instead!!! During tad period of time, we saw agnes n guohao frm campus superstar n they they were like hugging each other lahx(sould b a couple i tink)...Cos of JORDAN we missed zm performance so went 2 compass point 2 haf lunch instead!!!SHopped ard den went back 2 bukit batok csc 2 play lan...At first wanted 2 play bowling but full house so 2 bad we can onli play lan...4 abt 2 hrs later my parents picked me up frm west mall 2 haf dinner 2gether at "Sketches"!!The food tere quite nice n i tink i overate!!!
ps. without my handphone its so troublesome if i want 2 contact sum1...
what we could have been, 10:24 PM.
Friday, November 16, 2007
i am damn angry at myself lahx!!! So old areadi still cnt take care of my own things...can lost my handphone at bugis....wad the............all my songs, picture,themes,contacts all gone!!! Most importantly is my 1GB memory card tad my sis bought it as my bday present!!! How can i juz lose it like tad manx!!!!Its a present frm my sis sia....aiya its all my fault la!!! ALL BCOS OF MY BAD HABIT OF HOLDING MY HP IN MY HAND DEN SUMTIMES JUZ PUT IT ANYWHER!!!Omg if i did not haf tis bad habit i would not haf lost it...I MUST CHANGE AND I WILL!!!
what we could have been, 8:05 PM.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Woke up at 8am tis morning specially 2 go to the clinic 2 take my blood test as the nurse say i had no records of hepatatis b drag tis 4 abt 10 months le as the nurse areadi told me 2 go 2 take blood test earlier part of tis yr. Omg the doctor could not find my vein den he poke and move the needle 2 find the vein so painful ... finally he got it n my blood was taken!!
what we could have been, 2:11 PM.
Friday, November 09, 2007
I juz updated my blog wib s.h.e new song (你最近还好吗 )......Listen 2 it!! Its quite nice 2 me . It will be 1 of the drama songs in a new taiwanese show "鬥牛,要不要" featuring hebe, mike he n lee wei ^^ Enjoy!!!!!!
what we could have been, 2:23 PM.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

mine xp


xu shao's
2day went outz again!!! Met jing yi at her hse bus stop n i was late abt 10 mins...den went bukit batok mrt 2 meet xu shao. Wah we late for abt 15min he aso wun say anything luckily^^ After tad straight away proceed 2 vivo city eat lunch first and we end up eating in a hong kong cafe.After lunch xu shao went off 2 meet his fren n i and jing yi went around shopping until 3 plus den went 2 holland v walk walk b4 going home!!!
I am losin my voice!!!
what we could have been, 6:54 PM.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Went out wib zhangmi, zhenyu, jiahui n jordan 2 west mall 2 watch "The game plan"...Its realli a nice show worth 2 watch =) After tad went 2 jurong entertainment 2 take neoprint without jordan a she go home after the movie. Actually wanted 2 go csc play lan but jiahui wear sch uniform cnt go in!!!! nvm den we went 2 slack at a void deck drinking bubble tea xp
what we could have been, 8:03 PM.