Wednesday, October 31, 2007
its time 2 blog again!!! Hmms 2day went out wib jia hui n jordan lols... its was as if we were strangers like tad lor!! All of us talk veri little cos nth 2 say hahaxx...den 2 improve the "qi fen" jia hui kept talking rubbish dotx@.@ At first we went 2 watts in at west mall as i wanted 2 buy a crown clip tad zm had bought but tere nv sell de 1 i wanted 2 nvmx..After tad went 2 imm n den sci centre^^ we r 2 bored so decided 2 go sci centre 2 play all the machines tere =}
ps. jux wanna say tad 2e4 will nv b forgotten xp
what we could have been, 9:04 PM.

I am realli touched by wad clique 6 had done 2 make the video....which made most of us cry. Time realli flies past very quickly and in a flash we are all going 2 b promoted 2 sec 3s next yr. I hope tad every1 wld b able 2 get 2 their desired class =) n aso keep on the class spirit we had in every 1e4/2e4 ers xp Gd luck every1 n rmb me alwaes n i will nv forget all of u guys especially vivo clique! Will miss u guyz alot^^
what we could have been, 9:24 PM.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

sec 1 photograph
hiaz the moment left 2 spend wib 2e4 is slowly getting lesser as most of us would b seperated 2 different classes... all of us must cherish all the moments we had ( the fun and excitement the class shared)! I guess most of us does not want 2e4 2 b seperated including me!!! It has areadi been 2 yrs since we all had been classmates^^ We went through competitions such as handball n 2 raise funds 4 heartstring day which made us bond closer wib 1 another. All i want 2 say is tad i am really veri fortunate n lucky 2 be able 2 b in the same class as all of you!! I hope tad no matter which class we r in, we would always keep in contact n always be tad 1 n onli unique 1e4'06 n 2e4'07 =) To me, tis 2 yrs has realli been a wonderful and happy time in my secondary sch life n it would always be kept in my heart.
what we could have been, 8:33 PM.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
yesterday went 2 cut my hair n fringe...sharon was tere 2 accompany me!! after tad went 2 her house 2 help her bake cookies for her cell group as i have nth 2 do...AND the cookies turn out 2 b a great success of cos, thx 2 me! xp
what we could have been, 2:49 PM.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

went out wib jiahui jingyi n zm 2day!!! travel all the way 2 sengkang...ate kfc wib dem plus sum other tidbits!!! den went 2 zm hse.. b4 tad we went in her sch but the security guard chase us out so diu lian xp
took sum pic wib zm mei
what we could have been, 9:53 PM.
Finally the exams are over!!!! Went 2 kbox wib my clique,vivian and desiree after the art paper xp had so much fun 2day... Me n Dan Shan kept snatching the mikes frm each other hahax. Seems like sin pei noe hw 2 sing every1 song n dunno y qiu zhen go kbox n dun wan 2 sing=.= spent $103.60 for the total bill
what we could have been, 9:14 PM.