yesterday reach home at 12.15am after the sch concert tiredzz...den wake up at 8 plus 2day 2 get ready 2 go s.h.e. autogeaph session wib jia hui=) we reach imm at abt 11 plus wah de queue so scary sia i tink got at 5000 ppl in front of us den abt 3000 ppl behind us bah wah almost dun wan 2 queue sia...den they onli sign lyrics bk i gave jh my old album no more lyrics bk leh den we lend frm a guy a lyrics bk cos he got extra so grateful 2 him=)we got 2 shake hands wib them jh in front of me her hands so sweaty den wen i shake their hands so wet!!!but nvm...all of dem so chio!!!all of dem shake hands diifrent style den so blur dunno do shake wif wich hand hahax!
what we could have been, 7:30 PM.
heyx i finally have the mood 2 blog again=) went 2 west mall again the usual hangout hahs...went shopping wif sharon n 2 of her church frens 2 get sum prezzie for some frens!!met yijun tere n we went 2 eat ice kachang 2gether chocolate flavour special huh introduce my sharon de its quite nice!!!! its the concert rehersal again 2mro will b so busy not enough time 2 study for geo test arghh(what if i fail?) hahax nvm
what we could have been, 10:19 PM.
Happie burdae becky...the weekends r u realli so boring nth 2 do juz hw n playing computer...n doin project stuffs!! wonder when is my choir audition suddenly feel veri scared hahax. nw dicussing the PBL thingy
what we could have been, 4:42 PM.
Happy youth day!!! Wake up so early 2day 2 go Sinpei house do project on literature...den meet jia hui n tiew tian at west mall juz walk walk cos nth 2 do hahax realli so boring dun feel like going 2 sch 2moro...dunno how 2 do the chinese hw but will try
what we could have been, 5:17 PM.